Become active in our local community!!! Safe Routes to School Chagrin Falls and the Chagrin Falls Alternative Transportaion Study NEED your help
SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL:Please take a moment today to fill out our volunteer form:
Just go to our website at this link - - and click on the volunteer form link. This will allow you to save it to your computer, then open it up and submit it without having to print it out or attach it to an email. (you can also access the volunteer form at this link -
On the same page, you can click to view the powerpoint presentation from our last community meeting which has an overview of all our projects that were funded with the $577,000 grant.
Our next meeting has been changed to Tuesday, June 15th from 7-8 pm at the Chagrin Falls Public library. We know some of you will need to bring your kids with you, so we will have a make your own ice cream sundae party for you and your kids at the library that evening. We will also have a game for the kids to play while we have our meeting. Hope you can come and learn more about what we're doing!
TRANSPORTATION STUDYAlso, the Villages of Bentleyville, Chagrin Falls, Moreland Hills, Orange, South Russell, along with Cleveland Metroparks, Geauga Park District, South Russell Multipurpose Trail Foundation and planning consultant Behnke Associates, are studying route options for non-motorized transportation (including bicycling and walking, and they need YOUR input. Please go to the Village of Chagrin Falls website to take a short survey (it says due in may, but they still want additional responses to truly represent our community - tell your friends too!) - The Safe Routes to School Chagrin Falls Team