What a crazy last week. We had a great first Single Speed ride out of Chagrin. 12 Miles and tons of Kona and Surley singles. About 15-20 riders showed up. John and Paul rocked the fixed gears. All around Chagrin then over to Trifles where Kenny hooked us up and fed the hungry. Then on to Sunday. Up at 5 for Sag support on Sunday in June. They had a record 800 riders. Lots o' bikes to fix. Leather had her first bike tour, hanging out by the truck and keeping riders amused as I tore apart crank and headset emergency's. Nothing like driving down the middle of the road with riders on one side and Amish going to church on the other! Next up was Wed. night wet ride. Angie, the new Kona rep was in Town from Fendale Wa. We had to show her the local trails, but of course, it's wed so that means rain. No matter. We had a killer ride in a down pour. Bob, Kenny, Bob 2, Doug, Jimmy, Jason, and my self all showed her how we can't ride bridges in the the rain, while she showed us she can. If Bob crashes on a bridge and we are around to see it, do you hear it? Yes. Thanks for coming out Angie and all the swag and beers! By the end of the ride the sky cleared and good times was had by all. Not to mention we now have a sweet
Kona Lisa One 20 Dlx available for demo. Up next is a gearing clinic tonight and a Sunday road ride.....and you wonder how summer flies by?